
About me

I am a fourth and final year student of Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Edinburgh.

I’m working with Ohad Kammar on implementing an ML-style module system for Idris 2, a dependently typed language. Previously, we worked together on a probabilistic programming DSL/library in Idris, with an accompanying probabilistic music composition tool.

I’m also a co-founder and the vice president of TypeSig, a brand new student special interest group in Edinburgh, which helps get undergraduates interested in theoretical computer science. We run weekly Lean workshops, regular academic talks (from the likes of Phil Wadler, John Baez and Kevin Buzzard), and we’re organising a conference to be held in 2024!

My interests in CS areas are in programming language theory, type theory, probabilistic programming compiler design, operating systems and low level computing, and hardware synthesis. I’m also interested in cyber security, though mainly as a hobby.

My mathematical intrigues lie mostly in category theory, abstract algebra, cryptography, and of course logic.

Outside of the nerd life, I enjoy synthesizers (playing and making them), reading, and eclectic (read: bad) music.

About this site

You can read in detail about how this site is made in this post, but the gist is: this site is generated from a set of Org files using Hakyll (and Pandoc), and served to you using Caddy. It’s hosted on a VPS from Contabo, which I’ve infected with NixOS. I thoroughly recommend all of these.

The CSS I’m currently using is a modified tufte-css. This allows for the nice side and margin notes you can see throughout my site. To aid writing with this, I use pandoc-sidenote in my pandoc compiler to convert standard markdown footnote syntax into sidenotes and margin notes.

You can alo browse this site entirely from within Emacs using Org mode! Find out how here.

Any code snippets on this site are released into the public domain, except where otherwise noted. All art assets are my copyright, except where otherwise noted.